
Review: Maingear Epic Force X99 with 4-way Titan X cards - olsonmoseng

When you throw down a fat roll of Asa dulcis's for a top-end gaming PC, you're going to want to feel like you got what you salaried for it.

While the cheap—stray, frugal crowd will ne'er agree on the monetary value, information technology's hornlike to trust anyone could dissent that Maingear's Epic Force X99 isn't one hell of an impressive fishing gear.

One glance at the specs bequeath receive any hardware aficionado swooning: First there's the Intel top shelf Core i7-5960X chip overclocked to 4.5GHz, then there's the 16GB of DDR4 running at 2800MHz, and lastly there's four GeForce Behemoth X card game.

maingear front Rob Schultz

Maingear's Heroic Force X99 is custom liquid-cooled beast with four Titan X GPUs.

The liquid cooling really ties the board unitedly

That's usually enough hardware to get anyone to gibe that yes, this is bad-assery at its better. The literal magic of Maingear's Epic Pull X99, though, is the way it's all assign together. In that location's no off-the-ledge cooling or bare-cooled GPUs here. Instead you get incredibly attractive liquid cooling.

After all, anyone can slap four $1,000 video cards into a case and thumb the power switch. Only liquid-temperature reduction them and not having IT all smel like Mario did the task while jumping over barrels? That takes skill. The plumbing in the Epic Force X99 is so beautiful you almost want to osculation your fingers and waving your hands in everyone's thoughts while expression in a simulated accent, magnifique!

maingear closeup 1

Maingear doesn't just now cool the GPUs in the Large Force X99, it goes tired and puts water blocks on the voltage regulators and chipset excessively.

Even the motherboard is cooled

The liquid cooling isn't through with with low-oddment parts: Maingear sources its water blocks from EK. The cooling also doesn't just stay with the GPUs—the company actually cools the motherboard's electromotive force regulators and chipsets, too.

The GPUs still start out mess of love, though. The irrigate blocks are also sourced from EK and feature backplates that are custom-painted to jibe the exterior. The enlarged reservoir is accustomed minimize maintenance by customers, Maingear tells US, which the irrigate loop is designed to cost serviceable. Maingear said a customer could disconnect the GPUs and bypass them if they sought to run different video cards without disposable cooling down the traveling. This class of customer, though, will in all likelihood just ship it back to Maingear to have the cards replaced.

maingear closeup 2 Rob Schultz

The four GeForce Titan X card game stay quiet straight after long loads thanks to the full liquid cooling which too happen to be attractive.

Carrying out matters, too

All this would mean nothing if the Maingear Epic Pull in X99 it didn't perform. You needn't worry: In gambling, it's just the fastest system we've seen to date. Suchlike totally facts though, that's meaningless without context.

maingear epicforcex99 3dmark extreme overall PCWorld

The multi-card systems easy race away from the single-GPU systems, but we besides see the dividends gets much leaner passing from three Behemoth X cards to four of them.

For instance, in the logical graphics test 3DMark FireStrike Extreme, it destroys our nada-point system with its single GeForce GTX 980, merely you'll pick up the Epic Hale's score isn't precisely a death blow to the Falcon Northwest Mach V reviewed here with its three Titan X cards. That's because the Maingear (and the Falcon too) begin to encounter multi-card GPU scaling issues that make the ROI beautiful lean.

Going from one placard to ii will probably net you an 80 percentage increase in carrying into action. You'll baffle less going from two to three, and the payouts dwindle steady further going from three to four GPUs.

maingear epicforcex99 middleearth 4k PCWorld

In real-world gaming at 4K resolutions, you can see the scaling get smaller as you live on from one Titan X to three and finally to four card game in the Maingear boxful.

Scaling issues

You can see grading issues in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. In this comparison chart, I've silk-lined up the 4-manner Epic Force X99 against the Mach V with its three Titan X cards and likewise threw in the answer from our GPU test bed, a Core i7-5960X with a single Titan X installed. Running Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor at 4K closure with the HD texture pack installed you get a little much a 20-percent performance increase going from three cards to four. That's really smashing. But then, a single Titan X gives you 35.6 FPS; if IT scaly perfectly, threesome cards would have been almost 106 fps and four really would have been 142 fps. Multi-GPU scaling testament vary from game to stake and depend on the resolution you'rhenium playing, but loosely it decreases as you climb above cardinal card game.

That's the way multi-GPU setups have worked since the beginning. We've never gotten 100 percent grading. Quaternary GeForce GTX 980 cards, for example, believably would do at Beaver State downstairs three Giant X cards.

maingear epicforcex99 handbrake PCWorld

The Maingear Poem Ram down X99 and its overclocked Meat i7-5960X eats the quad-core and hexa-core systems but the Falcon Northwest Mach V is fair-and-square a bite faster.

CPU Performance

When you move on the far side gaming performance, the Maingear hangs right on that point with the early CORE i7-5960X-based 8-nucleus systems. For instance, in our Handbrake test, where we take a 30GB MKV high number rate and exchange it to a tablet-couthie data formatting, the Epic poem Force X99 is vindicatory about dead-even with the Mach V system. Both run the identical Intel C.P.U. at the same overclocked speed of 4.5GHz. That's a will to what Falcon is able to behave with what is essentially an bump off-the-shelf, closed-loop cooler compared to the complicated impost liquifiable cooling in the Epic Force X99 boxful.

The Epic Force out X99 definitely looks cooler, if that matters to you and frankly, it usually does to most people shopping at this end of the spectrum. The liquid-temperature reduction on the Poem Military force X99 also keeps it quieter than the Mach V. The Mach V is amazingly quiet for a three-GPU system but IT can't contend with a full liquid chilling setup, so that's definitely a win for Maingear.

maingear fans Rob Schultz

The lower subdivision houses one of 2 radiators in the Epic Force X99.

Whiners, we're just whiners

We rear't let this review get ahead without unfavorable judgment. However, the two things I want to complain about may not beryllium within the control of Maingear. The first is storage. The Epic Force X99 came with three 256GB Samsung 850 Pro drives in RAID 0 and a 3TB Seagate hard drive. That's about a 1GBps of register speed from the RAID regalia which would be effective if this were 2022. In the age of 2.7GBps read speeds from a single Intel 750 drive, it's a chip of a yawner. The issue, of run, is how to get an Intel 750 drive to even work in a system this heavily packed with hardware. You pot read more about this problem Hera.

The other complaint is the lack of a custom chassis. The paint job is exotic-car quality, with enough clear coats to feel like information technology's bathed in butter. But the chassis, besides a tailor-made front face plate, is an off-the shelf Corsair 900D lawsuit. It's a bit alike wearying an soured-the-rack frock with some touch ups to the Oscars.

To be fair, vendors WHO have chased bespoken cases sometimes encounte IT to be a starring headache or failure-causing move, so maybe this is actually the smarter move. I'm also not sure sure any one can tell this this is an off-the-gouge case.

maingear beauty sideoff 2 Rob Schultz

The Maingear Epic Force X99 features fullly custom liquid cooling system and a lucious custom paint job.


At last what you beget from the Big Force X99 is the expression and tone of a custom-modded machine you'd cost proud to show unsatisfactory without having to position the blood, sweat and tears into actually having to human body it. As person who's through it before and succeeded and unsuccessful, sometimes it's but a pot easier pick up the phone and order one. You just have to have the funds to do it.


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